Esta é uma espécie Indica
Cannabinoids de CBG
THC 15%
CBG: 1%




Baixo efeito

Alto efeito


Afghan Kush‘s roots trace back to the Hindu Kush mountain range near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. It has been perfected over centuries, making it the ultimate source for hash such as charas and the sticky black Afghani hash. White Label Seed Company, a Sensi Seeds partner from the Netherlands, made its seeds available for everyone to grow. The buds of Afghan Kush develop into massive, blunt-topped nuggets full of resin and coming in big yields. Revered for its heavy resin content and powerfully sedating effects, Afghan Kush is a top choice for anyone looking to relax after a long day.

Efeitos Afghan Kush’s

Sensações Positivas

Sonolento, Faminto, Relaxado

Sensações Negativas

Ajuda em

Estresse, Ansiedade, Dores

Sabores Afghan Kush’s




Terpenos Afghan Kush’s


Demais Terpenos

Genética Afghan Kush’s

Comentários sobre Afghan Kush’s

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